Babysitter (2022) on uwatchfree

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Starring: Monia Chokri, Nadia Tereszkiewicz, Patrick Hivon

Director: Monia Chokri

Genre: Comedy


Release/Country: 2022/Canada, France

IMDb 6.4/ 10 (210 votes)

Babysitter (2022) Description: Middle-aged sexist Cédric gets suspended from work after drunkenly kissing a female reporter during a prank on live TV. Stuck at home with his long-suffering girlfriend Nadine and their incessantly crying baby, Cédric teams up with his sensitive brother Jean-Michel to co-author a confessional book apologizing for their past misogyny. Enter Amy: a mysterious and provocative young babysitter, who, like a Mary Poppins of the libido, forces the trio to face their sexual anxieties while turning their lives upside down.

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